My journey of how I learned better ways to do things, eat right, and be healthy. It began when I was in college, at CU Boulder, when the health scene pulled me in. I have become more disciplined and healthier. I wanted the best for my daughter when I had her. I research everything and give time to have studies done before I pass on knowledge - unless it clearly works for me and has no manufactured ingredients. I write about various topics - whatever comes to my mind. I only promote true and tested advice. Never assume that what works for one person works for the entire population. Never assume fads are completely safe. Moderation and common sense are key.
.Providing helpful tips, information and ways to make life more efficient, easier and better - and healthier. I'm intuitive and figure better ways to do things, being an engineer. I want to share the knowledge I've picked up and researched. I believe in healthier choices, getting on organic healthy diets (even my pups). I have helped myself and others get back on track and give up the SAD American diet. So many illnesses could be helped by following a diet closest to its source, being active, reduce pollutants and more. Follow my journey to how I turned things around, learned about health. People guess my age as less than my real age - by taking care of myself. My chiropractor always remarks how in shape I am and look younger - said he can tell I eat clean and keep in shape.
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